"Step into CAT ART!"
VIVEPORTは、「CAT ART」の生みの親でもあるシューヤマモトと協力し、新たに「Step into Cat Art」バーチャル展を開催しました。
世界初公開となるこの展覧会では、さまざまなVR技術を組み合わせて他にはない視聴体験を実現し、124点のアート作品からなる荘厳な「システィーニャ礼拝堂」をはじめ、「CAT ART」のキャラクターに命を吹き込みます。

約1年前に私のキャットアートをVirtual Realityの世界で再現するという提案を聞いたときに、それが一体どのようなものになるのか私には全く予想できませんでした。
-- Shu Yamamoto

Step into Cat Art 展の見どころ

まっ たく新しいインタラクティブ体験


私の家は美術館になります!さまざまなデバイスを通じて、細部まで見え ます。また、複数のユーザーが同時にオンラインで猫アートを見ることができます。ブース内で家族や友達と交流してチャットしたりできます。忘れられない体験を作りましょう!

2021 Raindance Film Festival
本展覧会は「レインダンス映画祭」(Raindance Film Festival)の「最優秀マルチプレイ賞」(BEST MULTIPLAYER EXPERIENCE)を受賞しました。レインダンス映画祭は世界で最も有名なインディペンデント映画祭の一つに数えられている、映画祭応募部門は長編映画、短編映画、VRユニットなどがあります。



2021.9.17 - 2022.5.31
2021.9.10 - 2022.5.24

ステップ 1 デバイス選択
CAT ARTオンライン美術館はENGAGEで開催されます。マルチデバイスに対応しているため、モバイルデバイス( Android、iOS )やデスクトップPC( Window 10、MacOS )、およびVRデバイスなどをサポートしています。
ステップ 3
What is VIVEPORT Infinity?In addition to purchasing content from the VIVEPORT store, customers also have the option to enjoy unlimited premium VR content through VIVEPORT Infinity. VIVEPORT Infinity is the world’s first unlimited VR subscription service. VIVEPORT Infinity provides: unlimited access to more than 600 VR games and apps 14-day free trial cancellation at anytime cross platform compatability with most VR devices such as HTC VIVE, Oculus Rift, VIVE Focus, Pico, etc. free access to VIVEPORT Video with premium and exclusive channels/videos monthly benefits such as member only discounts and deals
How do I sign up for VIVEPORT Infinity?Click here to visit the sign-up page. If you are not logged in on VIVEPORT.com, create an HTC account for free. If you are logged in, click the ‘Infinity’ tab under account settings to sign up.
Which titles are available as part of VIVEPORT Infinity?Over 600 VIVEPORT titles are available as part of the Infinity catalog, and more are being added on a regular basis. If a title is included, you will see an orange “download” or “play” button on the title card or on the product detail page. You can also directly filter all titles in Infinity via search or check the homepage for “popular in Infinity” (updated weekly). Staff picks: Angry Birds VR, Dick Wilde 2, Ready Player One: OASIS - Elite Gunter Edition, Apex Construct, Fruit Ninja VR, Knockout League, and Elven Assassin.
How does the VIVEPORT Infinity free trial work?New users are eligible for a 14-day free trial of VIVEPORT Infinity. You will be able to select, download, and experience all titles in VIVEPORT Infinity in that time. Your payment details are required during sign-up, but you will not be charged until your free 14-day trial period ends, at which point you will be billed for your first full month of VIVEPORT Infinity at the usual monthly rate. You may cancel your VIVEPORT Infinity at any time from your account profile page. If you cancel before your 14-day trial ends, you will still be able to use VIVEPORT Infinity until the trial period is over.
When will I be charged for my VIVEPORT Infinity subscription?If you are signing up for VIVEPORT Infinity for the first time, you will not be charged until your free trial period ends. Your selected method of payment will then be automatically charged on a monthly basis. You may change your payment method or cancel at any time. Please note, when clicking 'sign up' on the Infinity page, you will be prompted to enter payment details. This is required, but you will not be charged until your free trial period ends. If you previously had a VIVEPORT Subscription, upon re-subscribing, you will be charged for the first month’s payment upon sign-up. Your selected method of payment will then be automatically charged on a monthly basis.
How do I find out when my Infinity subscription will renew?You can check your subscription’s renewal dates on your account profile page: Web browser: Sign in to your HTC account on VIVEPORT.com. Click your avatar in the upper right corner, then click ‘Subscription’ to see details. Mobile: Sign in to your HTC account on VIVEPORT.com. Select the top-right menu, then select ‘Subscription’ to see details. Desktop client: Launch the Vive Desktop client on your PC and sign in to your HTC Account, if required. Click your avatar in the upper right corner, then click ‘Subscription’ to see details.
Where can I see my monthly title selections?You can access and review your monthly Infinity selections on your Infinity page: Web browser: Sign in to your HTC account on VIVEPORT.com. Click ‘Infinity’ to see your 5 most recently selected titles. Mobile: Sign in to your HTC account on VIVEPORT.com. Select the 'Store' menu, then select ‘Infinity’ to see details. Desktop client: Launch the Vive Desktop client on your PC and sign in to your HTC Account, if required. Click ‘Infinity’ to see your title selections. To see all your selections, go to Library and sort by recent.
Viveportは、世界70カ国以上で運営されているグローバルプラットフォーム、VRサブスクリプションサービス、アプリストアです。利⽤者は数千以上のVRアプリやゲームを体験することができ、コンテンツ制作者が配信を収益化する⽅法も数多く提供しています。Viveportは、PC、スタンドアローン、モバイルデバイスなど、さまざまなバーチャルリアリティヘッドセットに対応しています。Viveport Infinityは、世界初の無制限VRサブスクリプションサービスとして2019年に開始しました。Viveportの詳細はこちらをご覧ください。https://www.viveport.com/